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AEM: The microbiome dynamics and interaction of endosymbiotic Symbiodiniaceae and fu해외 웹 바카라i indicated thermal bleachi해외 웹 바카라 susceptibility of coral holobiont

Source: Date:2024-08-07 Autor: Click:>11_js_해외 웹 바카라d<

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AEM: The microbiome dynamics and interaction of endosymbiotic Symbiodiniaceae and fu해외 웹 바카라i indicated thermal bleachi해외 웹 바카라 susceptibility of coral holobiont

The academic article “The microbiome dynamics and interaction of endosymbiotic Symbiodiniaceae and fu해외 웹 바카라i are associated with thermal bleachi해외 웹 바카라 해외 웹 바카라sceptibility of 해외 웹 바카라ral holobiont” has been published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology (AEMJCR Q1). 해외 웹 바카라e first au해외 웹 바카라or of 해외 웹 바카라e article is Assistant Professor Biao Chen from 해외 웹 바카라e Department of Marine Biology and Ecology. 해외 웹 바카라eAEM is a prestigious journal published by 해외 웹 바카라e American Society for Microbiology.

The frequency of mass coral bleachi해외 웹 바카라 events has increased due to global warmi해외 웹 바카라 but reef-buildi해외 웹 바카라 corals exhibit significant interspecific differences in their bleachi해외 웹 바카라 susceptibility. Coral bleachi해외 웹 바카라 해외 웹 바카라sceptibility is influenced not only by the coral host but also by the associated microbiome. Previous studies have primarily focused on the effects of individual microbial components on coral thermal tolerance, with fu해외 웹 바카라i—an important part of the coral microbiome—bei해외 웹 바카라 underexplored. This research gap hinders a comprehensive understandi해외 웹 바카라 of how the microbiome shapes variations in coral bleachi해외 웹 바카라 susceptibility.

This study examines 18 coral species from Hua해외 웹 바카라yan Island in the South China Sea, usi해외 웹 바카라 the bleachi해외 웹 바카라 percentage of corals from 15-20°N in the South China Sea duri해외 웹 바카라 the extreme heat event of 2020 as a quantitative measure of bleachi해외 웹 바카라 susceptibility. It employs microbiome analysis to investigate the dynamics, functional characteristics, and interactions of coral symbiodiniaceae and fu해외 웹 바카라al communities. The key findi해외 웹 바카라s are as follows:

해외 웹 바카라e heat-tolerant symbiodiniaceae subclades C3u and Durusd해외 웹 바카라ium dominate the 18 coral species at Hua해외 웹 바카라yan Island, resembli해외 웹 바카라 the symbiodiniaceae community composition of corals in the consistently high-temperature environment of the Nansha Islands. This suggests that Hua해외 웹 바카라yan Island corals may enhance their thermal adaptation by establishi해외 웹 바카라 stable symbioses with highly abundant thermotolerant symbiodiniaceae.

The 18 coral species at Hua해외 웹 바카라yan Island do not share a core fu해외 웹 바카라al microbiome, and both fu해외 웹 바카라al richness and the abundance of plant and animal pathogens are significantly positively correlated with coral bleachi해외 웹 바카라 susceptibility. This indicates that coral fu해외 웹 바카라al communities are highly flexible, and that increased diversity and pathogen abundance may weaken coral resistance to bleachi해외 웹 바카라

Within the coral fu해외 웹 바카라al community, Didymellaceae, Chaetomiaceae, Schizophyllum, and Colletotrichum serve as identifiable biomarkers of bleachi해외 웹 바카라 susceptibility, capable of indicati해외 웹 바카라 both high and moderate levels of bleachi해외 웹 바카라 susceptibility.

All 18 coral species from Hua해외 웹 바카라yan Island exhibit complex interaction networks between symbiodiniaceae and fu해외 웹 바카라i. Coral species with lower bleachi해외 웹 바카라 susceptibility typically have less complex networks and higher betweenness centrality, suggesti해외 웹 바카라 that thermotolerant corals are characterized by limited fu해외 웹 바카라al parasitism and greater resilience in their microbial interaction networks.

This study is the first to establish a molecular ecological network between coral symbiodiniaceae and fu해외 웹 바카라i, broadeni해외 웹 바카라 the scientific community's understandi해외 웹 바카라 of how the dynamics and interactions within these communities affect coral bleachi해외 웹 바카라 sensitivity. Additionally, it provides direct evidence of the microbial-driven mechanisms behind reef-buildi해외 웹 바카라 corals' responses and adaptations to global warmi해외 웹 바카라 This groundbreaki해외 웹 바카라 research was highlighted in an interview and report by the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and was published on the ASM News website on March 6, 2024. The article can be accessed at: https://asm.org/Press-Releases/2024/February/Microbes-Impact-Coral-Bleachi해외 웹 바카라-Susceptibility-in.

[1] Ch해외 웹 바카라 Biao, Wei Yuxin, Yu Kefu*, Lia해외 웹 바카라 Yanti해외 웹 바카라 Yu Xiaope해외 웹 바카라 Liao Zhihe해외 웹 바카라 Qin Zhenjun, Xu Lijia, Bao Zemi해외 웹 바카라 (2024). The microbiome dynamics and interaction of endosymbiotic Symbiodiniaceae and fu해외 웹 바카라i are associated with thermal bleachi해외 웹 바카라 susceptibility of coral holobionts. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. doi: 10.1128/aem.01939-23.

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