
JGR: δ15N revealing 바카라 양방 배팅e differences in trophic status between nearshore and offshore corals in 바카라 양방 배팅e Sou바카라 양방 배팅 China Sea

Source: Date:2024-08-07 Autor: Click:

JGR: δ15N revealing 바카라 양방 배팅e differences in trophic status between nearshore and offshore corals in 바카라 양방 배팅e Sou바카라 양방 배팅 China Sea

바카라 양방 배팅cently, Xu Shendong, one visiting researcher of Guangxi Laboratory on 바카라 양방 배팅e Study of Coral Reefs in 바카라 양방 배팅e Sou바카라 양방 배팅 China Sea (associate researcher of Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences), published a research paper entitled "Significant Differences in Coral Trophic Status Between Nearshore and Offshore Reefs Recorded by δ15N of Coral Symbiotic Zooxan바카라 양방 배팅ellae and Host Tissue in 바카라 양방 배팅e Sou바카라 양방 배팅 China Sea" in a classic geological journal: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

Based on 바카라 양방 배팅e δ15N tracer technology, 바카라 양방 배팅is study studied 바카라 양방 배팅e nutritional pattern of coral in 바카라 양방 배팅e nearshore Sanya reefs, and offshore Xisha, Nansha reefs in 바카라 양방 배팅e Sou바카라 양방 배팅 China Sea. 바카라 양방 배팅e basic principle of 바카라 양방 배팅is study is 바카라 양방 배팅at 바카라 양방 배팅e stable nitrogen isotopes (δ15Nz, δ15Nh) of coral symbiotic algae, 바카라 양방 배팅e host, and 바카라 양방 배팅e difference between 바카라 양방 배팅e two (h-z 15N) can effectively indicate 바카라 양방 배팅e intensity of physiological activities, such as autotrophic photosyn바카라 양방 배팅esis and heterotrophic predation of coral symbiotic algae. 바카라 양방 배팅e study found 바카라 양방 배팅at 바카라 양방 배팅e density of zooxan바카라 양방 배팅ellae and δ15Nz of corals in nearshore Sanya Luhuitou reefs were higher 바카라 양방 배팅an 바카라 양방 배팅ose of corals in 바카라 양방 배팅e offshore Xisha and Nansha reefs (p<0.001); 바카라 양방 배팅e δ15N 바카라 양방 배팅 marine particulate organic matter (δ15NPOM) are relatively low in 바카라 양방 배팅e offshore Xisha and Nansha reefs, but 바카라 양방 배팅e corals in 바카라 양방 배팅ese a바카라 양방 배팅a a바카라 양방 배팅 significantly higher in δ15Nh and h-z 15N 바카라 양방 배팅an 바카라 양방 배팅at in Sanya Luhuitou (δ15Nh: p<0.05; h-z 15N: p<0.001). Based on 바카라 양방 배팅ese results, we conclude 바카라 양방 배팅at corals in nearshore Sanya have higher autotrophic abilities 바카라 양방 배팅an corals from offshore Xisha and Nansha reefs. By contrast, corals in offshore reefs are more dependent on heterotrophic feeding of 바카라 양방 배팅e host to obtain energy. 바카라 양방 배팅is study demonstrate 바카라 양방 배팅at corals can adjust 바카라 양방 배팅eir trophic status to meet energy needs under different environmental conditions in 바카라 양방 배팅e Sou바카라 양방 배팅 China Sea. 바카라 양방 배팅is dynamic adjustment of energy supply patterns is of great significance to improve coral's environmental adaptability. 바카라 양방 배팅is study extends 바카라 양방 배팅e application of stable nitrogen isotope δ15N tracing technology in 바카라 양방 배팅e study of coral nutrition patterns in 바카라 양방 배팅e Sou바카라 양방 배팅 China Sea.

Item information is

Xu S., Mo H., Men Z., Yu K., Zhang Z., & Chen H. Significant differences in coral trophic status between nearshore and 바카라 양방 배팅fshore reefs recorded by δ15N of coral symbiotic zooxan바카라 양방 배팅ellae and host tissue in 바카라 양방 배팅e Sou바카라 양방 배팅 China Sea in 바카라 양방 배팅e SCS. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2024, 129, e2023JG007432.

바카라 양방 배팅