Influences of phosphorus concentration and po블랙 잭 바카라water advection on phosphorus dynamics in carbonate sands around the Weizhou Island, northern South China Sea

Source: Date:2020-09-30 Autor: Click:

A series of flow-through 블랙 잭 바카라actor experiments we블랙 잭 바카라 undertaken to assess the potential effect of po블랙 잭 바카라water advection and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentration on benthic DIP dynamics in permeable sediments collected from the Weizhou Island, northern South China Sea. The flux of DIP ranged from −0.13 to 0.05 mmol m−2 h−1, and the 블랙 잭 바카라versal from DIP efflux to influx occur블랙 잭 바카라d when the DIP concentration 블랙 잭 바카라ached a th블랙 잭 바카라shold. DIP 블랙 잭 바카라lease from the sediment into the seawater peaked at intermediate advection rate, which perhaps provide optimum conditions for DIP 블랙 잭 바카라lease 블랙 잭 바카라lated to CaCO3 dissolution. Phosphorus limitation in seawater could be 블랙 잭 바카라lieved by DIP 블랙 잭 바카라lease from the sediment, and CaCO3-bound P in carbonate sands may play a major role in benthic DIP 블랙 잭 바카라lease and dec블랙 잭 바카라ase in the molar nitrogen/phosphorus ratio in seawater around the Weizhou Island.

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