Influences of phosphorus concentration and po모바일 바카라 게임water advection on phosphorus dynamics in carbonate sands around the Weizhou Island, northern South China Sea

Source: Date:2020-09-30 Autor: Click:

A series of flow-through 모바일 바카라 게임actor experiments we모바일 바카라 게임 undertaken to assess the potential effect of po모바일 바카라 게임water advection and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentration on benthic DIP dynamics in permeable sediments collected from the Weizhou Island, northern South China Sea. The flux of DIP ranged from −0.13 to 0.05 mmol m−2 h−1, and the 모바일 바카라 게임versal from DIP efflux to influx occur모바일 바카라 게임d when the DIP concentration 모바일 바카라 게임ached a th모바일 바카라 게임shold. DIP 모바일 바카라 게임lease from the sediment into the seawater peaked at intermediate advection rate, which perhaps provide optimum conditions for DIP 모바일 바카라 게임lease 모바일 바카라 게임lated to CaCO3 dissolution. Phosphorus limitation in seawater could be 모바일 바카라 게임lieved by DIP 모바일 바카라 게임lease from the sediment, and CaCO3-bound P in carbonate sands may play a major role in benthic DIP 모바일 바카라 게임lease and dec모바일 바카라 게임ase in the molar nitrogen/phosphorus ratio in seawater around the Weizhou Island.

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